  墨鱼茄汁饭 ·  2016-05-17

在当今创新技术更新迭代、媒介环境日渐复杂的大环境下,新技术不断涌现,如何精准地利用数据并基于数据和技术的洞察对创意进行驱动成了一个大难题。上周全球最顶尖的消费电子科技的展示大会 CES Asia 在上海举办,凯络中国亮相 2016 亚洲消费电子展(CES Asia™),发布创新产品 CAVE,开启人机交互的数字空间。此外,在 CES 亚洲消费电子展上凯络还联合 AgIC 及 Yo-ren 发布了 ICPAPER(全球首个电路打印的数字化纸质广告媒介)的升级版,成功打破技术壁垒,将 ICPAPER 技术延伸到室内设计领域。

为此,SocialBeta 专访了凯络中国创新董事总经理叶怀文(Kelvin Yip),聊了聊科技与媒介洞察相结合能为品牌带来怎样的创新解决方案,将如何强化品牌的市场竞争优势。

叶怀文(Kelvin Yip):凯络中国创新董事总经理  

Kelvin 在中国有超过 12 年的工作经验并涉猎多个行业,在客户管理及政府关系发展中独具特长。在 Kelvin 的带领下,凯络中国旗下品牌卡利迪通过开发以平台为导向的生态系统,重新定义创新在媒介中的角色。通过独一无二的体验型内容,卡利迪将媒介、客户忠诚度、数字媒体活化及移动商务无缝衔接。不仅如此,Kelvin 也负责领导凯络创新团队,打造以解决行业需求为导向的开创性技术。他成功管理了多个品类的客户,并与之构建战略合作伙伴关系,包括:可口可乐,百事可乐,优步,Oakley,上海地铁,广州地铁,杭州地铁,上海银行,中国联通,平安保险,三得利,腾讯,屈臣氏及惠氏等。

SocialBeta: CAVE 为了解决什么场景以及什么需求,解决方案是什么?

叶怀文:众所周知,当今品牌、代理商以及消费者人人都在讨论数据这个词,然而少有人能很好地给出用数据解决问题的方案。早些年的技术的着重点都在于如何收集数据。而 CAVE 则依托凯络独有的 CCS 消费者调研系统,通过大量的数据和洞察,帮助用户了解消费者是如何互动的。深度的数据及分析有助于消费者市场的精准细分以及不同目标受众的特征描述。用户可以和 CAVE 互动来解锁个性化的视频、洞察、数据,甚至玩互动游戏。

SocialBeta: 相较于同类产品,它有哪些优势与亮点?

叶怀文:我认为 CAVE 最突出的亮点莫过于它的数据构建方式。其模块化的操作平台帮助品牌更方便地定制个性化内容,并根据预设的参数放到 CAVE 的系统环境中。当每一个模块的数据内容有所更新,整个解决方案也会随之更新,这也使其能够提供切合实际,行之有效的解决方案。

SocialBeta:目前已经应用在哪些平台与品牌上?是否有相关案例? 客户的反响如何?

叶怀文:实际上,我们在研发阶段花了很长的时间,目前我们只和一些已有合作基础的品牌分享了我们的创新项目。这次我们在 CES 上算是正式推出 CAVE。在测试阶段我们已经累积了一些客户,相信产品正式面世之后会有更大的市场需求。


叶怀文:CAVE 解决了我们目前在媒介层面上所面临的挑战,这也实现了我们在收入上的多元化。 CAVE 作为一个为客户定制的平台,也让凯络的数据实现商业化。尤其是 CAVE 的人机交互空间以及其模块化操作平台,可以很好地运用在游戏和电子商务领域上。

SocialBeta:谈谈此次 CES 上另一产品 ICPAPER 的适用场景和案例。

叶怀文:ICPAPER 是全球首个电路打印的数字化纸质广告媒介。ICPAPER 升级版通过为客户量身定制室内设计方案,使室内设计的灯光和声音效果提升到一个新的层次。它打破了传统室内设计中材料、设计和时间等因素的限制,为客户提供更快捷的轻量级定制解决方案。ICPAPER 可以广泛运用在零售、户外、活动及店内设计领域,帮助客户在有限的空间及预算内实现最佳的视听效果,它可以取代传统的横幅互动广告,可以说一个成本更低却更加有效的产品。

过去的一段时间内我们完善了其技术,提高其扩展性。目前这个产品的市场需求非常旺盛,我们的客户之一是美国某企业,希望能在短期内和大家分享我们使用这个产品的成果。ICPAPER 在这个案例中的创新运用是影响全球市场营销的一个重要结点。










SocialBeta: Describe the market demand of CAVE and introduce its specific solution.

Kelvin Yip:Everyone talks about data but nobody talks about how to use data.We are living in a world where brands and communications groups like ours are surrounded by data. The previous years’ innovation have trended toward the collection of these data points. What we are exploring with CAVE is a more usable vehicle that allows a more clear and shorter path to implementing the data.

In this example we use one of our proprietary data engines CCS(Consumer Connection System, 凯络独有的消费者调研系统), as the driver to establish our target audience. By creating the profiles, we integrate it into an interactive environment, where modular hotspots can be created.

SocialBeta: Compared with other similar product, what advantages does CAVE take?

Kelvin Yip:I think from a hardware perspective it’s easy to see some of the technology utilized in other products, but what really makes CAVE standout is how it’s built. The modular infrastructure (muo si kuai) allows each piece to be updated and upgraded with as the new technologies. This makes it a pragmatic solution for a pragmatic world.

SocialBeta:  Which brands or platforms are using CAVE well?

Kelvin Yip:As with all great ideas, sometimes they don’t work on a concise schedule, our development took a bit longer to finalize, and so we are beginning to share this innovation with the brands within our network, in fact we’re using CES as a way to really launch CAVE.

SocialBeta: Could you elaborate those case studies? How did your client comment for its service?

Kelvin Yip:Creating this prototype also created a lot of demand amongst our clients to be included in this beta version.

SocialBeta:  Describe the profit model of CAVE.

Kelvin Yip:CAVE addresses one of the challenges we face in media, which is revenue diversification. CAVE as a customizable platform can position our company to create a direct monetization of data. While our content is programmed to be interactive, we have hotspot modules for gaming and commerce which can easily featured and customized.

SocialBeta: Introduce the usage scenario and case studies of ICPAPER.

Kelvin Yip:ICPAPER continues to be a wonderful and evolving product. The applications ranging from interactive banners to replacing traditional marketing (in store oem?) as a low cost yet more effective product.

Coming off the success of last years CES launch, we spent the last year working on perfecting the technology and improving its scalability with our manufacturing partners. This product has been in high demand, and we’re currently working on a brief for one of our clients that will be a deployment across the US, we hope to be able to publicly announce in shortly. It’s a great success story and a point of pride that our innovation in China is influencing the global markets.

SocialBeta: Mobile and digital have reshaped the marketing world, consumer behaviour is changing all the time. How do you understand this kind of environment, from an agency perspective?

Kelvin Yip:We believe this is our greatest challenge, consumers have more control than ever when it comes to what content or media they consume. Even within mobile and digital there is so much noise now, WeChat founder Zhang Xiao Long even recently remarked that he was concerned with how “consuming” WeChat had become.

SocialBeta: Will those changes take any influence on marketing?

Kelvin Yip:Absolutely. Marketing is becoming more science less art. The digital world has completely taken the guesswork out of marketing. Using and understanding data properly to create for efficient user journeys will be areas of focus for all marketers.

SocialBeta: Faced with those challenges, how will Carat China address those problems?

Kelvin Yip:We know that we the most well positioned agency to address these problems, and it’s because we understand this world that we operate in is an ecosystem. There’s many parts to being able to not only strategically advise on the ecosystem to our clients but also to provide solutions. We need to understand the consumers better, we need to be ahead of technology trends, and we need to take our experience and understanding to provide a comprehensive solution to our clients.

SocialBeta: Will Carat China attach more importance to talents with technology background?

Kelvin Yip:We have developed more specialist capabilities than any other agency, and will continue to attract the industry’s best talent. We absolutely have a focus on star individuals that have unique backgrounds. Our team is made up of start-up entrepreneurs.
