【案例】哈利波特、奇异博士的特效团队这次为淘宝造物节打造了一支视觉震撼的 H5
  SocialBeta ·  2017-07-05

如今逛淘宝已经不单单为了实现一个简单的购买动作,而是有了更多的选择:有时候看看评价打发时间,找「神人神店」发现乐趣,或者在这个消费社区创造交流……于是,针对展示出潜力无穷购买力的年轻人们,阿里巴巴在 2016 年 7 月启动了第一届淘宝造物节,于上海世博展览馆举办。今年,淘宝造物节再度回归,以「奇士江湖」为主题将于 7 月 8 日在杭州国际博览中心举行。

为此,近期淘宝为 2017 年淘宝造物节「奇士江湖」推出了一支视觉效果震撼的邀请函 H5,值得分享的是这次的邀请函 H5 是由好莱坞最著名的特效团队 Framestore 参与完成。也许你对 Framestore 这个名词并不熟悉,但是他们曾经参与特效制作的电影你一定都看过:《哈利波特》、《奇异博士》、《阿凡达》以及《银河护卫队》。

先用几个 GIF 感受一下这个 H5 的视觉体验:

从内容上看,H5 中主要展现了四个空间,还用具有中国古典特色的「东市西市南街北街」的概念为这几个空间命名,如「东市潮玩黑市」、「西市幸福街区」、「南街脑洞工厂」以及「北街原创星球」。这四个空间分别代表了四类主题的商店:分别代表潮人玩家、脑洞神店、治愈美好、独立设计这几个主题板块。





仔细看这些内容你会发现很多场景都还原了具有很有中国特色的地方,而每个场景中的招牌其实都是这次参加淘宝造物节的 108 家店家,这些奇人奇店共创了造物节的「奇市江湖」

从技术来说在这个 H5 里,你可以获得失重、加速、穿越、坐过山车式的刺激等感官体验。

根据淘宝的消息,这次 H5 从创意、制作以及技术由淘宝和好莱坞团队 Framestore 双方直接对接完成,

SocialBeta 还通过淘宝问了此次负责技术特效的 Framestore 几个小问题,了解了此次合作幕后的一些小故事。

他们介绍这次和淘宝的合作是在非常短的时间内完成的,最重要的一点是,从合作开始至结束,团队和淘宝都没有见过面。从前期筹备,创意产出的执行时间非常短暂,只花了 7 周的时间。Framestore 表示通常这种类型的项目他们会花上更久的时间。不过,由于淘宝明确了上线日期,所以他们尽力在最短的时间之内确定创意。Framestore 在头脑风暴时组成了一个约 10 人的小团队,这个团队可以说是 Framestore 的核心创意团队,包括创意总监、导演、作家、艺术家以及制作人。这个团队中的人有不少都曾获过奥斯卡、艾美奖以及英国电影学院奖。这个 H5 的第一大难点是要在短时间之内执行这个创意,除此之外最大的挑战通过小小手机屏幕呈现视觉效果。CG 动画较难在移动端服务器承载,这次 Framestore 让这种内容形式流畅地在手机呈现,使用户打开时不会卡顿,与此同时也保持内容的高质量画面水准。



SocialBeta: How would you describe the collaboration with alibaba? Any chances/interesting stories behind this collaboration?

Framestore: This was a very rewarding and enjoyable collaboration. We had not worked together before, and it was great to form a relationship whilst working on a project. It’s funny to think that we achieved so much in such a short space of time, and yet we have not actually met each other in person yet!  

SocialBeta: How long does it take from an idea to a finished work? How you ignite the sparkle of creation and generate the ideas?

Framestore: On this project, the time was always very short, and ordinarily for a project of this size we would want more time.  But, we knew the schedule was locked and the delivery date could not be moved, so we started coming up with ideas as quickly as possible.  We did this by starting with a brainstorm ideas session with all of the key Creatives at Framestore – a group of about 10 people, including Creative Directors, Directors, Writers, Artists and Producers.  Among the group were many award winning people, including Academy Award, Emmy and BAFTA winners.  The core idea stayed the same, but the execution of the idea changed dramatically in the first couple of weeks until we eventually locked down on the concepts, and then we started to produce the assets and build the work.  On this project, we went from start to finish in just 7 weeks.

SocialBeta: Do you apply any innovative technologies for this H5?

Framestore: Apart from time, the biggest challenge on this project was to create something truly stunning, but with a very small file size so that it would work on mobile delivered via the internet. Usually at Framestore we are making very heavy CG assets, with complex models and textures that would be impossible to render in a mobile phone.  So we had to work out how to keep as much of the beauty in our work, whilst still keeping it as light as possible.  

SocialBeta: How you reflect the Taobao Maker Festival’s theme 「Fantasy Bazaar」 in the H5?

Framestore: This was the most fun part of the project – we were able to really come up with some amazing concepts and worlds for the various districts of the Maker Festival, and really tap into our creative minds!  We started with our Feature Film Concept Art Department, who realised the vision of our director, Woody.  Then we would move into the CG production once we had the concept art complete. It was such an enjoyable collaboration working with Alibaba, and Irene and her team in particular, as they had many great ideas and thoughts that we included in the work. The end result is stunning, and certainly feels varied and interesting, and hopefully conveys the theme of ‘fantasy bazaar’. 

SocialBeta: What are the main challenges for Framestore to realize the visual effects? Any similarities and differences compare with your previous work for film?

Framestore: As mentioned before, keeping the assets light yet looking good, in particular when working in the threejs, that was the biggest challenge.  For the 360 CG Videos, we were able to use the existing Framestore pipeline, which enabled us to produce the images much in the same way as we do with our feature film work.  This enabled us to use all of our existing and proprietary software tools, meaning we could render complex scenes in relatively quick timeframes.  This was essential given the tight schedule, and was good for us to be able to use the same process that we use when we make films like Gravity and Guardians of the Galaxy!

SocialBeta: As Framestore also provides advertising services, can you please specify your service scopes in adverting? 

Framestore: We have a broad range of services in our advertising division, that covers the traditional VFX work on TV commercials, but also includes doing Virtual Reality Experiences and large scale Installation based experiences for brands and clients.  Our VR Studio is currently the most award winning Studio in the world, and our installations team have created large scale outdoor reatlime data visualizations in New York’s Times Square. What is great about working at Framestore, is that we can access all of these various teams within the company to help us work out how to do new projects and new challenges, and we had individuals from various departments working on the Taobao Makers Festival project. 
