【甲方乙方】支付宝 2016 全民账单发布:千禧一代成为消费主力,90 后移动支付占比近 92%
  SocialBeta ·  2017-01-05

营销圈又发生了什么新动态?【甲方乙方】收罗品牌与 agency 的最新动态,致力于为营销人提供新鲜的营销资讯。

支付宝 2016 全民账单发布:千禧一代成为消费主力,90 后移动支付占比近 92%

支付宝 2016 全民账单显示,去年 4.5 亿实名用户使用了支付宝,71% 支付笔数透过移动端进行,较 2015 年的 65% 上升。以全年支付金额计,广东省排名第一,占到全国金额的 16%,其次是浙江、江苏。人均支付金额计,上海人均支付金额达到 14.8 万人民币,是去年的近 1.5 倍,其次为浙江、北京、福建、江苏,人均支付金额均迈入 10 万时代。2016 年千禧一代成为消费主力,90 后移动支付占比近 92%。

以及今天支付宝发布了个人 2016 年度账单,直接打开支付宝就可以看到了。

PUMA 签约杨洋为 2017 最新亚洲区形象代言人

近日,德国运动品牌 PUMA 宣布人气偶像杨洋正式成为品牌 2017 年度的最新亚洲区形象代言人,这也是 PUMA 实施年轻化战略的一大举措。得益于蕾哈娜、Kylie Jenner 的女装合作系列强劲销售,Puma 已扭亏为盈,预计 2016 年 Puma 销售业绩会保持高单位数增长,年度利润在 1.15 亿欧元至 1.25 亿欧元之间。据悉,PUMA 官方将在近期发布更多此次与杨洋的合作内容。

2017 电子消费品收入预计会下降 2%

一年一度在拉斯维加斯举行的美国消费电子展(CES)已经开始,在正式开幕之前,主办方消费技术协会(Consumer Technology Association)的研究总监史蒂夫 · 柯尼格(Steve Koenig)给出了他的市场预测:相比起 2016 年 9500 亿美元的收入,今年电子消费市场营收会下降 2%,也就是 9290 亿美元。

尼尔森:Facebook 成美国 2016 年度最常用的 App

日前尼尔森公布了 2016 年美国最常用的App排名,排在第一位的是 Facebook,其月独立用户高达 1.46 亿,比上年增加 14%。Facebook Messenger 排在第二位,月独立用户约为 1.29 亿,同比增长 28%。Facebook 旗下的 Instagram 同样上榜,但深陷困境的 Twitter 未能进入前 10 位。在前 10 大智能手机 App 中,同比增长最快的是亚马逊和 Instagram,分别增长 43% 和 36%。

英菲尼迪任命 Tim Heile 为中国市场营销公关总经理

INFINITI is expanding its capability in China and has announced the appointment of Tim Heile as Division General Manager of Marketing & PR of Dongfeng INFINITI, its Chinese joint venture, effective on March 1, 2017.

Heile, previously Director of Marketing of BMW Japan, brings a wealth of experience in the premium automotive industry. He joins from BMW Group where he had held various roles for over 16 years, including marketing communication, brand development and general management, as well as his experience working in Asia for ten years. 

Roland Krueger, President of INFINITI Motor Company said, 「Tim will be a valuable addition to the management team at Dongfeng INFINITI. His experience and expertise in the premium automotive sector in China and in Asia will add strength to our expanding operation in China. We look forward to Tim’s leadership to make INFINITI one of the top tier players in the premium automotive segment in China.」 

Heile began his career in marketing innovations of BMW. He also worked in various roles of increasing international exposure and took responsibility for different Sales & Marketing functions in the Asia-Pacific region before being appointed General Manager of Marketing for BMW in Thailand. 

He studied in Switzerland, Ecuador, the U.S. and Germany and received an MBA from the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich. He is a German national and married with two children.
