ADFEST 圆满落幕,为期四天的亚太广告节都在关注什么?|附获奖名单



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ADFEST 圆满落幕,为期四天的亚太广告节都在关注什么?|附获奖名单

sherry | 2019-03-25 19:22

上周六随着 24 日晚亚太广告节颁出最后的 Special Awards,这也意味着为期 4 天的亚太广告节 ADFEST 正式落下帷幕。

今年,来自全球 63 个城市和 34 个国家的 1120 名代表参加 ADFEST,SocialBeta 今年也全程参与并进行报道。全场参与 18 项莲花奖项分两天于 22 日至 23 日晚分别被颁出,另外还公布了 Fabulous Five 评审推荐和人气投票结果,「Young Lotus Workshop」(青年创意营)获奖名单以及特别奖奖项(Special Awards)等名单。那些拿下全场大奖及金奖的优秀作品,SocialBeta 会在之后的报道中详细介绍。今天这篇文章,主要想与大家一起分享 SocialBeta 全程参加 ADFEST 的所见所闻。

创建于 1998 年的亚太广告节,通过十几年的发展,目前已成为亚太区一年一度广告盛事,旨在促进亚太地区广告业界的交流与共同发展,并且激发亚太地区专业广告人创意与意见的交换,更能体现亚洲独特的东方文化与创意,所涵盖的奖项领域也不断应时而变,从最初的平面、户外、影视制作,后增加移动、整合等,今年 ADFEST 又新增电子商务,原来的促销类奖项今年升级为品牌体验与互动等奖项。


从 2015 年开始,亚太广告节开始首次接受来自中东地区的参赛作品,以拥抱更丰富、多元化的亚洲文化。事支持和促进文化多样性间的交流不仅是 AFDEST 一直关注的话题,为此主办方还特设了 Lotus Roots(本土文化奖项),来鼓励广告人通过创意体现和表达本国文化。中东地区女性一直难以获得和男性相当的平等地位,表现在语言里也是如此,英语父母 parenthood 在阿拉伯语中被译为父亲,母亲被忽略。在去年母亲节期间,来自迪拜 FP7 McCann 与婴童品牌 Babyshop 一起创造了一个新的阿拉伯词汇 Al Umobuwah,翻译过来即是「父母」。这一成为中东母亲捍卫者的新词汇,挑战了中东地区根深蒂固的偏见和传统,最终被收录进阿拉伯语词典中。该案例也拿下了 Lotus Roots 的全场大奖。

文化多样性也是不少广告人借助创意想要表达的诉求之一。McCann Worldgroup India 的 CEO & CCO Prasoon Joshi 在谈到如何在文化多元化的印度做广告时就曾提到:「印度一直是一个文化多元化的市场,无论是文化习俗,宗教,信仰甚至地域。但古老的印度文明仍然存在于每一个印度人民的心中。体现他们对生活的态度和他们的性格上。它可能并不像每个人那样明显,但它就在那里。当我们与印度的消费者沟通时,我们既庆祝每个人都团结一致,我们也庆祝他们的分歧。这为我们提供了更多与消费者沟通的机会。

在今年 ADFEST 的经典项目 Fabulous Five 中,入选 Finalist 的作品 Pray 也讲述了一个穆斯林文化与日本文化碰撞与交融的故事。而另一个有趣的细节是今年的 ADFEST 在午餐主题中,选择了来自亚洲各国的面条以及咖喱被提供给参会嘉宾,从侧面体现出对亚洲文化多样性的尊重与支持。


随着电商平台在品牌与消费者的沟通中无处不在,今年 ADFEST 首次新增 eCommerce Lotus 奖项。来自菲律宾 Omnicom Media Group 的数据与分析总监 JoyCastillo 表示:「我们拥有所有这些工具(电商平台等),使我们能够比以往更深入,更广泛地研究品牌。我们需要开始将数据洞察视为合作伙伴,而不是创造力的敌人, 而在嘉宾的分享中,关于最新营销技术 VR、AR 以及 AI,以及除了在商业领域之外,这些技术是如何为更多人类带来福祉,这也是被探讨最多的内容。

英特尔中国的品牌营销总监 Paul Lu 讲述了在人工智能领域,英特尔如何将人工智能的深度学习能力应用到长城修复,以及传承中国传统文化皮影戏中。

在 INNOVA Lotus 颁奖前的 Innova Shortlist Presentation 中,来自中日韩泰等多个国家的入围机构代表,也在讲述他们是如何借助技术的创新力量,去帮助特殊群体的不幸遭遇。由电通悉尼办公室联合悉尼 ALS 协会带来的作品 Project REVOICE,2014 年风靡全球的 ALS 冰桶挑战让不少第一次知道了「渐冻人」这一特殊群体,对于身患肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)的患者来说,他们将逐渐失去说话的能力,而 Project REVOICE 则是一个语音克隆程序,通过将 ALS 患者的声音记录并进行机器学习,当 ALS 患者不能说话后,也能再现自己的声音,并通过自己的声音和他人交流。作为世界上第一个为 ALS 患者发生的项目,Project REVOICE 也为自己赢得了多项莲花金奖以及特别奖项:LOTUS GRANDE FOR HUMANITY。在评选互动和移动类奖项作品时,评审团主席 Natalie Lam 也评论到,越来越多的亚洲非技术品牌正在以有趣的方式充分将 AI、data 等元素应用在创意作品中。


不少嘉宾在分享中都提到广告业日新月异的变化给深处其中的每个人都带来巨大挑战,而处于十字路口的广告行业接下来应该往哪里走?来自澳大利亚的 ROYALS 的创意合伙人 Nick Cummins 则坚定地认为:广告业仍需要更多 Agency,「对于广告业来说,品牌需要不断与时俱进,因此也更愿意和不断找到新方式与消费者沟通的 agency 合作。」在 Nick Cummins 看来,创办一家新的广告公司比在旧公司内调整更为容易,先后创办了两家独立广告公司的他还给了自己的建议,比如能够勇敢拒绝你不想合作的客户,时刻了解公司的第一手信息,对一切保持质疑,以及最重要的要不断去提高作品的质量。

来自澳大利亚 The Brand Agency 的创意执行总监 Marcus Tesoriero 则认为:「大部分广告人只想要做广告而不是解决问题,但当下品牌需要的是能够解决问题的 Agency。」在他看来,如果广告公司如果不自我转变思路,在传统营销的 4P 法则(Product、Price、Place、Promotion)中,广告公司所做得仍然只是 Promotion 中最基础的广告环节,在 4P 各个环节都在发生激烈变化的当下,却并不能真正解决品牌的问题。Marcus Tesoriero 认为,在新的市场环境下,创意仍然能产生巨大效应,最重要的是广告人应将自己视为行业的革新者,而不仅仅是单纯的创意人。

广告人关心这个行业的未来,真正的未来中坚力量也在 ADFEST 快速成长。以挖掘年青创意力量为宗旨的Young Lotus Workshop(青年创意营)今年由MullenLowe Group主办。以「Full Stack Creative」为主题的一系列讲座和研讨会后,来自亚太地区的 18 支年轻 Lotus 团队参加了最后的主题提案:针对那些不经常使用 Google Home 的人,如何让他们成为 Google Home 的忠诚用户。在 23 下午的现场提案展示和投票后,来自Leo Burnett Melbourne 的两位选手成为今年 Young Lotus Workshop 的获胜者。在 SocialBeta 看来,她们的提案胜在另辟蹊径的绝佳创意思路以及对品牌社会责任感的巧妙体现。如何让 Google Home 在用户心中更有存在感,她们不是从人们的日常生活着手,而是从一个更大的问题去思考:Google Home 如何能通过改变我们的日常习惯,从而让这个世界变得更美好。比如如何个人日常行为习惯的改变,能够减缓气候变暖的问题,Google Home 能够通过在气候问题研究的数据积累与分析,给出相应的建议。

而在另一个旨在为年轻的商业导演提供展示才华舞台的传统项目 Fabulous Five 中,从来自 11 个城市提交的 49 个脚本中,来自日本东京的 5 位年轻导演赢得了将脚本拍摄成短片的机会。我们在此前的报道中分享或来自日本的 5 位年轻导演的作品,广告片和影片制作类的评审团主席,来自美国洛杉矶 Prettybird 的合伙人兼执行制片人的 Ali Brown 在点评时表示:来自年轻导演们的创意脚本令人惊喜,而最终拍出的 5 支短片也远超完美的预期。我个人非常热衷于支持新晋导演,优秀的年轻人才与充分的行业制作支持的结合,是培养下一代最优秀的电影制作人所需要的。」

最后,2019 亚太广告节落下尾声,但关于创新、技术、文化、品牌的探讨却仍将继续,我们明年见。

附:2019 亚太广告节获奖名单


ADFEST introduced a new eCommerce Lotus category this year, recogniSing the rise of retail innovators and brand campaigns. 2 Bronze and 3 Silver Lotuses were awarded.


Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo for Vegi-Bus ‘Vegi-Bus’,

AKQA Shanghai for Nike ‘Never Done Shop’

TenCent, Hong Kong for TenCent‘We Remit’.


「It’s an honour to be judging this new category, especially with the eCommerce boom in this region. The judges were delighted to see works where eCommerce isn’t just playing a supporting role, but is at the heart of the consumer experience. Ideas that found insightful ways to put consumers at the centre of the creative solution and the user experience shined in this category,」 said Jury President, Mitsuyuki Nakamura, Global President, dentsu X, London.

「Although we couldn’t identify an entry that clearly stood out above the rest, we were still encouraged by the submissions that clearly found insightful ways to connect through this thriving medium. We’re confident that we’ll see more amazing eCommerce works in the future, as it becomes ubiquitous in this region.」


14 Bronze, 8 Silver and 3 Gold Lotus awards were awarded, but no Grande Lotus.


BWM Dentsu, Sydney for The ALS Association, ‘Project Revoice’, 

The Brand Agency, Perth for Foodbank WA ‘Hungry Puffs’ 

CHE Proximity, Melbourne for ‘AutoAds’.


「The diversity and complexity of media made this an exciting yet challenging category to judge. The judges were looking for ideas that clearly took advantage of a human insight, and understood the role of their respective media in connecting the dots to solve a business challenge,」 said Jury President, Mitsuyuki Nakamura, Global President, dentsu X, London.

「Unfortunately, a lot of the work seemed to showcase the use of media for the sake of it, rather than using real insights to make a meaningful, sustainable contribution to business results. Perhaps this is a sign that we need do more to keep up with the complexities and opportunities of media. And to ultimately dig deeper to understand the consumer we hope our media would connect with.」 


There were 4 Bronze, 1 Silver, 1 Gold and 1 Grande Lotus trophies awarded. 


 Ogilvy Hong Kong for the KFC Hong Kong ‘Hot & Spicy’ campaign. 


TBWA\Thailand, Bangkok for McDonald’s ‘The All Nighters’ campaign.


「Both Grande winners in Press and Outdoor are big ideas, creating big impact, for big brands,」 said Outdoor and Press Jury President Yang Yeo, Asia Pacific ‘Creative Kaiju’ at Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo. 


There were 11 Bronze, 7 Silver, 6 Gold and 1 Grande Lotus awards given. 


Shiseido Co. Ltd., Tokyo for Brand Shiseido ‘The Party Bus’, directed by Towerfilm Tokyo, which also won 1 Gold Lotus.


GREYnJ United, Bangkok for K Plus ‘Friendshit’, which won four Gold Lotuses

The Monkeys, Melbourne and Level Two Music, Melbourne for Holden ‘Not to be Outdone’.


「Overall there was some really strong work. I think what made the winners worthy was that we found ourselves wanting to award them in multiple categories – even ones they hadn’t submitted for! It’s a true testament to their overall quality of craft that their excellence wasn’t limited to just one area but we saw excellence throughout these pieces,」 said Film Craft and New Director Jury President Ali Brown, Partner and Executive Producer at Prettybird, Los Angeles.

She added, 「There seemed to be a return to classicism of sorts. Rather than seeing work that sort of challenged the category or showed real innovation, the work overall felt much more traditional. The craft was still quite good but in a classically cinematic way versus anything that felt really progressive or groundbreaking. There are of course always exceptions, but in general this was the trend we sensed when looking across the landscape of entries.」


From 18 entries, there were 2 Bronze and 1 Gold awards, but no Grande Lotus in this category. 


Linkfilms, Shanghai for WABC ‘The Role’.


「Having judged New Director categories in other shows in the past, I will say that this year’s winner is one of the best pieces of work I’ve ever seen in that category in any festival worldwide. It is a real achievement in filmmaking for a new director, or any director, and I hope it goes on to win many awards,」 said Film Craft and New Director Jury President Ali Brown, Partner and Executive Producer at Prettybird, Los Angeles.

最受欢迎 5 位新人导演 FABULOUS FIVE

ADFEST’s ‘Fabulous Five’ program is one of the world’s most respected platforms for kick-starting the careers of commercial directors. Five directors with less than two years’ experience were invited to direct 5-minute short films inspired by the theme of ADFEST 2019, 「TMRRW.TDAY」. 

Congratulations to Mai Murata, Assistant Director from Dentsu Creative X Inc., Tokyo who was awarded a Commendation for her short film, 「My Jellyfish」. 

The other finalists are: Jo Motoyo, Director from Tokyo/Taiyo Kikaku Co., Ltd., Tokyo; Naoto Mitake, Director from AOI Pro. Inc., Tokyo & Directors Think Tank, Kuala Lumpur; Rin Soejima, Director from AOI Pro. Inc., Tokyo; and Tomu Yamaguchi, Director from AOI Pro. Inc., Tokyo. 


INNOVA Lotus winners

Grey Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur for Tesco Malaysia ‘Unforgettable Bag’, 

BWM Dentsu, Sydney for The ALS Association ‘Project Revoice’, 

Leo Burnett Colombo / Leo Burnett Toronto for JAT Paints ‘Petal Paint’ 

FP7 McCann Dubai for Babyshop ‘Al Umobuwah: Putting ‘mum’ into ‘parenthood’.


「Creativity is a deep understanding of human behaviour that we translate into transformative solutions for our clients. We solve business problems by creating human value through creativity. The level of creativity in this future-facing category was outstanding. Highly innovative ideas that challenged the status quo and moved the industry forward,」 stated Jury President Mark Tutssel, Grand Jury President and Executive Chairman and Global Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett Worldwide, Chicago.

「The four winners of this prestigious award were all outstanding examples of the alchemy of creativity, data and technology creating remarkable Human Value.」

本土文化莲花奖 LOTUS ROOTS 


FP7 McCann Dubai for Babyshop ‘Al Umobuwah: Putting ‘Mum’ into ‘Parenthood’

This year’s six Lotus Roots winners presented breakthrough ideas that demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and local culture: 

• Colenso BBDO, Auckland for Spark New Zealand ‘Kupu’

• Hakuhodo Kettle Inc., Tokyo for Takasaki City ‘Red Restaurants List’

• Dentsu Inc., Tokyo for Kobe Newspaper ‘Since 1995’

• Leo Burnett Colombo / Leo Burnett Toronto for JAT Paints ‘Petal Paint’

• R/GA Tokyo / Shiseido Co. Ltd., Tokyo for Shiseido ‘My Crayon Project’

• Rabbit Digital Group Company Limited, Bangkok for Siam Commercial Bank ‘Mae-ma-nee Money Solution’.


From 146 entries, there was 1 Grande Lotus Roots winner: FP7 McCann Dubai for Babyshop ‘Al Umobuwah: Putting ‘Mum’ into ‘Parenthood’. Babyshop became the first brand to create a new Arabic word, giving mothers across the Middle East an equal place in the Arabic word for 「Parenthood」, challenging deep-rooted biases and conventions. 

「This brave new word champions Mums, and has woven itself into the vernacular, and is on the verge of being included in the Arabic dictionary,」 explained Grand Jury President, Mark Tutssel, Executive Chairman and Global Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett Worldwide, Chicago.

「The future will be one where fortune favours the curious, the change agents, the new creative thinkers and most importantly, those who best understand humankind. Advertising today doesn’t compete with advertising: advertising competes with popular culture. Our work has to be irresistible and more interesting and immersive than anything else people are searching for. The Lotus Roots exist to reward that level, and quality, of thinking.」 



CHE Proximity, Melbourne for ‘AutoAds’, which also won two Gold Lotuses.


Hakuhodo Kettle Inc., Tokyo for Takasaki City ‘Red Restaurants List’, which won two Golds, 

The Brand Agency, Perth for Foodbank WA ‘Hungry Puffs’, 

Cheil Worldwide, Seoul for Firevase ‘Firevase’, 

CHE Proximity, Melbourne for Cochlear ‘Hearprint’ 

BWM Dentsu, Sydney for The ALS Association ‘Project Revoice’


「Auto Ads was unanimously chosen by all of us. It's a really smart campaign that tailors the business of selling used cars directly to consumer's needs. Consumers have a wonderful experience with their uploaded cars and even their names appearing on TV and online in cool advertisements. It is a perfect campaign in terms of scale and outcome,」 stated Brand Experience & Engagement and Direct Jury President Kate Hyewon Oh, Chief Creative Officer at Cheil Worldwide, Seoul.

In terms of emerging trends, Oh, commented, 「We are seeing more and more consumer involvement in the creative process, and creating results together. Consumers are no longer audiences, but colleagues and competitors on the creative stage. Sometimes I'm afraid of those changes as a creator, but if we accept that creative is not a one-way show, but a journey that's being made together with consumers, we'll find many possibilities in this trend.」



J. Walter Thompson, Bangkok for Netflix ‘Narcos The Censor’s Cut’. 


Wieden+Kennedy, Shanghai for Nike China, ‘Nike React Stunt’, 

Innored, Seoul for The North Face ‘Super Air Down Drone Attack’,  

Ogilvy Hong Kong for KFC Hong Kong ‘Hot & Spicy Campaign’ 

TBWA\Thailand, Bangkok for McDonald’s ‘The All Nighters Campaign’.


 「The quantity of finalists might have gone down in the Outdoor and Press categories, but the quality of the winners retains its high standards,」 said Outdoor and Press Jury President Yang Yeo, Asia Pacific ‘Creative Kaiju’ at Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo.

「Reflective of the current media landscape, Print as a medium continues to dwindle, but Outdoor on the other hand is getting more exciting – especially when mobile, tech and social are incorporated seamlessly into the idea and the execution,」 says Yeo.



Sour Bangkok  GMM Grammy ‘Girl From Nowhere’ 


The series tells the story of Nanno, a mysterious schoolgirl who takes the audience on an extraordinary tale of revenge. Powered by women to empower women, the IP is co-owned by the agency and client. 

「The agency created a new business model by turning themselves, ‘the creative agency for women’, into an insightful content creator. The series created incredible social impact,」 stated Jury President, Mark Tutssel. Executive Chairman and Global Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett Worldwide, Chicago.



Leo Burnett, Melbourne for Goulburn Valley. ‘Goulburn Valley Food Tours’ 


The brand is pushing for full transparency by creating a labeling system that uses GPS to show consumers the exact location where food is grown. 

「Now more than ever people want to know where the food that fuels them comes from. People are smart, they want to know more. This innovative idea created human value, empowering consumers like never before, and integrated the brand into the fabric of life,」 commented Jury President, Mark Tutssel, Executive Chairman and Global Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett Worldwide, Chicago.



Innocean Worldwide, Seoul for Hyundai Motor Company ‘2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic, Paralympic Hyundai Pavilion’.


TBWA\Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo for AIG Japan Holdings ‘Pride Jersey’, 

TBWA\India, Mumbai for Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute ‘Blink to Speak’, 

Dentsu Inc., Tokyo for Kanazawa High School Sumo Wrestling Tournament ‘72 Posters for School Teams participating in the High School Sumo Tournament – Project to increase Sumo Wrestlers’ , 

Dentsu Inc., Tokyo / Que Corporation for Ofurobu ‘Find a new face of ‘Ofuro’, 

The Brand Agency, Perth for Foodbank WA ‘Hungry Puffs’ 

TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno, Manila for Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines Inc. ‘This is a tree’.


「Innocean’s campaign for Hyundai is a really fantastic piece of design, executed at a huge scale. We were very impressed with this category overall – one thing I love about Asian award shows is that you see different local cultures embedded in the work. In some sub-categories in particular, such as Posters, we saw incredible amounts of excellent, very diverse work,」 stated Design and Print Craft Jury President Ali Rez, Regional Creative Director, Impact BBDO Middle East & Pakistan, Dubai & Lahore.

Barbara Humphries, Creative Director at The Monkeys, Sydney and judge of the Design and Print Craft Lotus categories, added, 「I thought the quality of the work overall was of a really high standard, and there were many outstanding pieces. Print is a wonderfully tactile medium and that plays a huge role in how we view and experience the design itself. Continually seeing design and communication online, it’s easy to forget how fundamental our senses are in appreciating craft on a physical and human level.」

She added: 「For us it came down to the integration of the idea through the physical experience of the work, the chosen visual language, and the impact of the design itself. It was a really moving piece of work.」



Ogilvy Hong Kong for KFC Hong Kong ‘Hot & Spicy campaign’.


Ogilvy Hong Kong for KFC Hong Kong ‘Dragster’, 

Ogilvy Hong Kong for KFC Hong Kong ‘Hot & Spicy Campaign’,  

Illusion Co., Ltd., Bangkok and Ogilvy Group Thailand, Bangkok for Freeland ‘Kill one, Kill all’  

Cheil Worldwide, Hong Kong for JBL (ITECT Ltd) ‘Block out the Chaos Campaign’. 


「This is fantastic work from its conceptual design to the craft, which is awesome – but it’s also a client’s dream because the product is so large. They did it so well, it’s just a really beautiful piece of work,」 said Design and Print Craft Jury President Ali Rez, Regional Creative Director, Impact BBDO Middle East & Pakistan, Dubai & Lahore.

Print Craft judge, Barbara Humphries, Creative Director at The Monkeys, Sydney added 「This one was a bit of a no brainer, as it was so strong in so many of the sub-categories. A very humbling example of a simple idea executed faultlessly.」



Dentsu Inc., Tokyo for Chicken Ramen ‘Akuma No Kimura (Demonically Spicy Ramen)’.


Dentsu Inc., Tokyo for SOH ‘Play with your food’, 

TBWA\Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo for AIG Japan Holdings, ‘Pride Jersey’,  

BBDO Bangkok for Mercedes-Benz Vans ‘The Universal Language of Pain’, 

Hakuhodo Kettle Inc., Tokyo for Y!Mobile ‘720 Hours of Youth’ and Hakuhodo Kettle Inc., 

Tokyofor Takasaki City ‘Red Restaurants List’.


「The Grande winner is full of fun and happy energy. This devilish campaign showed the boldness of transforming Chicken Ramen's lovely character Hiyoko-chan into a monster chicken full of evil energy. It's a great idea to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the world's oldest ramen, and it's a powerful animation and witty story that's going to spread through social networks. It completely captivated the judges, and most of all, it was a perfect fit for the category.

「The overall level of entries in this category was very high. We laughed or cried during the judging because there was a lot of empathy shown in the ideas, which actually drive the market and create a lot of repercussions at a fraction of the cost,」 noted Kate Hyewon Oh, Chief Creative Officer at Cheil Worldwide, Seoul and this year’s Brand Experience & Engagement and Direct Jury President.



McCann Worldgroup Philippines, Manila  Fully Booked ‘Fully Booked Lives – Ed’.

BWM Dentsu, Sydney, the ALS Association, ‘Project Revoice’.


Audio and Film Jury President Prasoon Joshi, Chairman, Asia Pacific, CEO & Chief Creative Officer India, McCann Worldgroup, Mumbai, commented, 「Project Revoice provides an innovation to help people who will lose their voice preserve their original voice. We also loved the Fully Booked campaign. It’s a beautiful idea that creates excitement around books and makes you inquisitive to read. Overall, we saw lots of innovation in Audio – creatives are redefining the category itself.」

Audio judge, Rebecca Carrasco, Executive Creative Director at Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney, stated, 「The Gold winners in Audio both stood out for quite different reasons. One was a beautiful radio idea, where you’re unwittingly led down the garden-path into the life of a madman, for an online bookstore. And the other was a beautiful audio idea, where the manipulation of sound gave back a voice that was a symbol of hope to so many ASL sufferers, before it was finally silenced by ASL disease.」



GREYnJ UNITED, Bangkok for K Plus ‘Friendshit’,

TBWA\Santiago Mangada Puno, Manila for Bahay Tuluyan Philippines (Shelter House) ‘Disgusting Stories’ 

Leo Burnett Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur for Voice of the Children ‘Speak up’. 


「‘Friendshit’ stood out because the direction, casting and writing are fantastically done. ‘Disgusting Stories’ was a timeless idea, while ‘Speak Up’ is of the moment – it encourages people to do more than watch, share or like a video but to take action,」 stated Jury President, Prasoon Joshi, Chairman, Asia Pacific CEO & Chief Creative Officer India, McCann Worldgroup, Mumbai.

In terms of emerging trends, Joshi noted, 「If we were awarding pure craft only, we would have had a lot more winners. I would like to encourage younger generations to pay equal attention to idea and execution. Not many entries married both. There was a time when our industry felt Public Service Announcements for charity work should not win Grande awards. The time has come to reconsider this. A lot of brands are partnering more with charities. What we need to understand is that this work is brand related. We are living in a world where people do care about what their favorite brands are doing for humanity at large – they are not just consuming their products but also their brand philosophies.」

Film Lotus judge, Rebecca Carrasco, Executive Creative Director at Saatchi & Saatchi Sydney, added, 「‘Disgusting Stories’ was a particularly powerful idea. Using the actual illustrations that sexually abused children have drawn to communicate what happened to them, to communicate how profoundly wrong this whole issue is, creates an incredibly confronting message, which stays with you. Actually, it just rips your heart out. Had we been able to award a Grande to a PSA in this category, I don’t think we would have stopped at Gold.」



GREYnJ UNITED, Bangkok for K PLUS ‘Friendshit'


GREYnJ UNITED, Bangkok for K PLUS ‘Friendshit'

Publicis Singapore for Vicks India ‘One in a Million’  

J. Walter Thompson, Bangkok for Sunsilk ‘Hair Talk’.


「The jury was looking for work that was brilliant in its thinking and innovative in its execution. We wanted to shine a light on the bravest, most transformative creative ideas in the region,」 explained Jury President, Mark Tutssel, Executive Chairman and Global Chief Creative Officer at Leo Burnett Worldwide, Chicago. 

「We found one supreme example in ‘Friendshit’. It connected the brand, Kasikorn Bank’s K PLUS app, to people in a unique and engaging way. A brilliant and highly entertaining idea that created human value and rewarded people for their time.」 



Dentsu Inc., Tokyo for Gatsby Perfect Skin Lotion ‘The Kawaii Tweak Hazard Song 

BWM Dentsu, Sydney for The AIS Association ‘Project Revoice’.


Interactive and Mobile Jury President Natalie Lam, International Executive Creative Director, New York, noted, 「What we liked about ‘The Kawaii Tweak Hazard Song’ is it has high entertainment value while also making us question our addiction to social media and why we spend so much time on it. It’s fun; it made us laugh. We also loved Project Revoice, which is not only an impressive piece of technology but it serves a bigger human purpose. We really could see how giving back someone’s voice is such a magical, moving thing.」 



Hakuhodo Inc., Tokyo  Panasonic Hearing Instruments ‘Bird Hearing Test’.


「This is a very charming piece of work. When people lose their hearing, they can no longer hear certain birdcalls. So Hakuhodo created an app encouraging people to test their hearing in the forest by listening for different birds. It’s essentially a hearing diagnostic tool, but it makes the experience fun, and uses a lot of data to turn a dry subject into a very charming experience,」 commented Interactive and Mobile Jury President Natalie Lam, International Executive Creative Director, New York.

「Overall, I’m really amazed at the number of non-tech brands in Asia, particularly Japan and Korea, that are using AI and data in really interesting ways.」

特别奖 Special Awards

年度代理商: Dentsu Inc

年度独立代理商:CJ WORX, Bangkok

年度广告集团:电通 Dentsu (包括 Denstu Inc.、Tokyo ; Dentsu Digital Inc.Tokyo ; Dentsu East Japan Inc., Tokyo; Dentsu Public Relations Inc., Tokyo; BWM Dentsu, Sydney; Taproot Dentsu, Mumbai; Dentsu Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore; Que Corporation, Tokyo; Frontage Inc., Tokyo;; ; X-Line Co. Ltd., Taipei. 10 个办公室)

年度数字代理商:BWM Dentsu, Sydney

年度制作公司:Hub Ho Hin Bangkok / Shots Post Production Bangkok

年度媒介代理商: InHype, Dubai

年度广告商: The ALS Association

LOTUS GRANDE FOR HUMANITY:BWM Dentsu, Sydney for The ALS Association ‘Project REVOICE’


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